Date: 08-01-2020||

Buddhism has 8 quintessences, including: 1) Buddhism only has 6 dharma methods not 84000 dharma methods. 2) Buddhism has 12 paths for reincarnation and 1 path returning Buddha world. 3) Earth is home to five species and plant realms.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Buddhism has quintessences, but no pagodas have presented it for a long time.
Since 2006, Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda has started to present these quintessences of Buddhism. By the year 2017, this quintessence of Buddhism was recognized by:
- Three- administrative- tier government of Long An Province, Duc Hoa district, Tan My commune
- 2-level Buddhist Sangha of Long An province, Duc Hoa - Duc Hue inter- district 
- To be proclaimed with a milestone of releasing the Legendary Diary of Buddha secretly transmitted through zen buddhism stream. It means the quintessence of Buddhism has blossomed in Dragon land of Dragon Country.
Buddha said:
* Buddhism has 8 quintessences, including:
1. Buddhism only has 6 dharma methods not 84,000 dharma methods.
2. Buddhism has 12 paths for reincarnation and 1 path returning Buddha world.
3. Earth is home to five species and plant realms.
4. Why is there the law of causality and reincarnation?
5. How does the earth take shape and how long it is until the earth dies? Who makes it disintegrate?
6. How do human being’s bodies and Human Natures take form?
7. What is Buddhism established for?
8. Zen Buddhism Science Teaching.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
According to 8 quintessential parts of Buddhism above, the management board of Tan Dieu Zen pagoda wrote 11 books and answered more than 6000 questions of readers for over 10 years, and no answers were rejected. Quintessence of Buddhism has been popularized on thientong.com website and recognized by 2 organizations
1- Vietnam Federation of UNESCO associations.
2- Vietnam cultural heritage association
Experts of these 2 organizations were nominated to learn about Tan Dieu Zen pagoda. They totally agree on the contributions of the pagoda, so the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO associations admitted Tan Dieu Zen pagoda as a member on 12-12-2019. Furthermore, Vietnam  cultural heritage association gives Tan Dieu zen pagoda four gifts:
First: commemoration medal.
Second: certification of merit.
Third: bronze drum head.
Fourth: glass plate 15-year-old foundation anniversary of Vietnam cultural heritage association 2004-2019
Four prizes above are Tan Dieu Zen pagoda’s extremely wonderful  honor. Therefore, We hold a ceremony to present it to Zen buddhists.
First, to thank the three-level government of Long An province, Duc Hoa district, Tan My commune, as well as 2- level National Buddhist Sangha of Long An province and Duc Hoa - Duc Hue inter- district.
Thanks to their support, Tan Dieu Zen pagoda could announce quintessences of Buddha 2561 years ago to Vietnamese and people all over the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Zen Buddhism has many quintessences. On this occasion,  the management board of Tan Dieu zen pagoda would like to present briefly about 8 typical quintessences of Buddhism as follows:
Quintessence 1:
Buddhism has 6 dharma methods:
1. Hinayana Buddhism (Lesser Vehicle), which is also called Southern Buddhism or Theravada  (Doctrine of the Elders)
- It comprises 37 contemplation and meditation dharmas.
- The highest achievement is to become Arhat or immobile saint
2. Middle Path Buddhism, which is also known as Philosophy of Shakyamuni Buddha
 -  The highest achievement is to become Buddhism lecturer
3. Mahayana Buddhism (Greater Vehicle), also called as Development Dharma
- The highest achievement is to become Buddhism engineer
4. Pure land Buddhism, or also called as Recitation
- The highest achievement is to be reborn in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss, to live an ultimately blissful life.
5. Mantra Buddhism, or also called as Incantation
- The highest achievement: when being alive, famous as a spiritual healer. After death, become asura.
6. Zen Buddhism, or Tathagata’s pure Zen Dharma
-The highest achievement is to return the Buddha realm, and become a Buddha
Ladies and gentlemen:
6 dharma methods above
- Have specific formula how to practice
- Have a distinct guideline how to worship
Those who prefer to practice any of them properly, please contact organization committee to receive the books
Quintessence 2 
Buddhism has 12 paths of reincarnation and one path returning Buddha realm  
1. Be reborn in the Heaven of the Formless, to perform positive blessings of living in Serene and Idyllic scenery.
2- Be reborn in the Heaven of Form to perform positive blessings of living in jubilant glistening brilliance.
3- Be reborn in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss to perform positive blessing of living in a jubilant but pure scenery.
4- Be reborn in the Heaven of four Heavenly Kings to perform positive blessings of operating the Three realms.
5- Be reborn in the Heaven of Desire to perform the positive blessing of living in a strongly exciting scenery.
6- Be reborn in God’s Heaven to perform the positive karmic blessings of solemnity and dignity.
7- Be reborn in the earth as asuras to control and enforce the karma of human.
8- Be reborn on earth, as human beings.
9- Be reborn in the earth, as Hungry ghosts.
10- Be reincarnated into animals in the earth.
11- Be reincarnated to live in hell in the earth.
12- Be reincarnated into Plant’s Realm on the earth.
13- Moving out of the Earth to return Buddha’s World.
This 13- Path part is the second quintessence of Buddhism.
Quintessence 3
There are 6 beings living on this earth.
1. Asuras
2. Humans
3. Hungry Ghosts
4. Animals
5. Hell species 
and Plant realm 
Duties of each Species:
Classified into 4 levels
1- The world’s Asura
2- National Asura
3- Regional Asura of each Country
4- Executive Asura
One: The World’s Asura has two duties
A- Let Buddha nature from Buddha World to the earth borrow body and human nature to create merits to bring back to buddha world to form a pure bright cool budha shape cover and the golden body of buddha.
B- When human beings came to the bronze Age and invented writing, the World’s Asura created Asura’s religion to threaten extremely greedy people.
Two: The duty of National Asura
A- To receive and popularize the religions of the World’s Asuras within their countries for national believers to follow. 
B- Take orders from the World’s Asura.
Three: The duty of Regional Asura
A- Take orders from the National Asuras
B- Delegate works for Executive Asuras
Four: The duty of Executive Asura
A- Act under orders of Regional Asura
B- Manage Buddha Nature borrowing Body Human and Human Nature to create merit or karma
C-  Enforce the law of Cause and Effect accumulated by Buddha Nature during the time borrowing Human Body and Human Nature.
The duty of Human beings
Human beings have 4 classes:
A- National leaders.
B- Regional leaders of each nation.
C- Local leaders.
D- Local executors.
One: The duty of National Leaders
A- Manage their own nations
B- Summon the representatives of the people to enact constitution, codes and laws for the people to follow.
Two: Each regional leader of each country has two duties
A- Take orders from national leader
B-  Promulgate directives of National Leaders to each region. 
Three: Local leaders have two duties
A- Take orders from Regional leaders directing down the locals.
B- Supervise executors to make sure they follow leaders’ regulations.
Four: Executors have 3 duties
A- Follow instructions of Local Leaders
B- Manage and control local inhabitants. 
C- Enforce the National laws on culprits
Duties of Hungry ghost
Forsaken Spirits have 4 classes:
1- The World’s Forsaken Spirit
2- National Forsaken Spirit
3- Regional Forsaken Spirit
4- Executive Forsaken Spirit
One: The World’s Forsaken Spirit (called the World’s Saints by Buddha) have 6 duties:
1- Create a major Religion in the East of the earth.
2- Create a major Religion in the West of the earth.
3- Create a major Religion in the South of the earth.
4- Create a major Religion in the North of the earth.
5- Let Buddha Natures come from Buddha world to enter the human realm borrowing Human Body and Human Nature to create Merit.
6- Instruct the National Forsaken Spirits to obey the commands from the World Forsaken Spirit.
Two: Duty of National Saints (3 duties)
1- To receive and popularize the religions of the World’s Saints within their countries for national believers to follow. 
2- Take orders from the World’s Saints. 
3- Give directives to Regional Saints.
Three: Duty of Regional Saints (2 duties)
1- Take orders from National Saint.
2- Delegate works for Executive Saints.
Four: Duty of Executive Saints (3 duties)
1- Execute the tasks assigned by Regional Saint. 
2- Get into the Buddha statue or worship images if the head of the religious places invite them in, to create sacredness.
3- Toward The Dharma Ending Age, when the Legendary Diary of a Buddha has been released, disguised as a Buddha, to screen Intermediate State Bodies bringing Merit back Buddha World whether they are already detached to worldly sceneries or not.
Duties of animals (2 duties)
A- Become food for all species
B- Undergo retribution for killing animals when being human.
The Hell’s being has one duty:
Suffer the karmic result of 
A- Committing mortal sins.
B- Buddha taught 6 dharma methods clearly, realistically and scientifically. Neither learn nor cultivate, take advantage of Buddhism to promote superstition.
C- The first 5 dharma methods Buddha target attainments in the physical world, so attach to the three realms, but they proclaim cultivating these 5 to get liberation.
D- Tathagata taught the 6th Dharma method to get Enlightenment and Liberation, but they make Buddhism work for their personal benefits. 
Four people types above open the way to Hell realm.
Plants have two duties:
A. Being food for all species.
B. Undergo retribution for deceiving others:
  Not a Zen Patriarch, but proclaim oneself a Zen Patriarch
  Not a Zen Master, but proclaim oneself a Zen Master
  Not a Buddhist Lecturer, but proclaim oneself a Buddhist Lecturer. Preaching around the world in order to earn money and fame, so be reincarnated into a plant to pay back what they acquire. 
It is the changeless rule of the physical world!
Tathagata also said clearly to his disciples:
Two signals to know who will be reincarnated into plant realm:
1- At the end of their lives, still try to think how to earn more money.
2- About to die, living a vegetative state for a very long time, to adapt gradually with the plant realm in the afterlife.
Quintessence 4:
Why is there Reincarnation and Cause and Effect Law?
Buddha said:
- The earth’s crust has a Cause and Effect ground layer. Therefore, human and all creatures living on this layer have to live under cause and effect law. This is the earth's inherrence.
- This earth is operated by positive and negative electromagnetics swirling, attracting and pulling. Earth orbits the sun 365 days and then returns to the starting point, which is called reincarnation.
Quintessence 5: 
The formation and destruction of Earth is as follows:
Buddha said:
Four Heavenly Kings proceed 8 phases as follows:
Phase 1:
- Control the planet of positive and negative electromagnetics entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Let it rotate until it meets the standard of physical swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 2:
- Control the Fire planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Let it rotate until it meets the standard of physical swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 3:
- Control thermostable Soil planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Scatter thermostable Soil uniformly over the Fire planet. 
- Let it rotate until it meets the standard of physical swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 4:
- Control Cause and Effect Soil planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Covers the whole thermostable Soil planet with Cause and Effect Soil.
- Let it rotate until it meets the physical standard of swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 5:
- Control Synthetic Rock planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Cover Synthetic Rock on the surface of the Cause and Effect Soil planet.
- Let it rotate until it meets the standard of physical swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 6:
- Control Salt planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Spread the Salt planet to cover the Cause and Effect Soil planet entirely.
- Let it rotate until it meets the standard of physical swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 7:
- Control Water planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Pour it to cover the whole Cause and Effect Soil ground layer.
- Let it rotate until it meets the physical standard of swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics.
Phase 8:
- Control Ozone planet entering through the black hole of the universe.
- Cover a 1000- km- thick layer on Cause and Effect ground layer to shield it from the solar radiation.
- When the ozone thickness meets standard of solar radiation shield, Four Heavenly Kings control this eight-element planet out of the planetary production center (black hole) and then move it to the Zodiac revolution 1, stay near to the  planet about to be destroyed by humans, and let it orbit in the Zodia revolution 1.
When this new earth planet rotates in the Zodiac revolution 1, created physical rain and monsoon by its own, it is about time the nearby earth is damaged severely by human war. Four Heavenly Kings quickly direct the fragments of the dying earth which have living plants and animals to the new earth planet.
- Those who have spaceships or flying saucers fly to this new planet and become the Human ancestors.
- On average, every 10,000 years, earth will be destroyed and revived anew.
- The lifetime of earth is 10 billion years.
Quintessence 6:
Forming the Human Body and Human Nature
Buddha said:
To form Human Body and Human Nature, It takes 3 phases:
1- The male’s sperm and the female’s egg swirl and attract each other to start the attraction of Positive and negative electromagnetics. It takes about 9 months and 10 days to form a Human Body.
2- The Executive Asura pushes a Buddha Nature or an Intermediate State Body into the female’s womb to make a life.
3- Positive and negative electromagnetics swirl and attract male’s sperm and female’s egg until it meets the physical standard of the swirl and attraction of positive and negative electromagnetics, to generate Human Natures.
Quintessence 7:
Buddha founded Buddhism in order to teach people 2 parts.
A- All Paths created on earth follow only 1 practicing method and their only purpose is to be reborn into heaven realms to perform positive karmic blessings.
B- Buddhism have 4 main purposes:
1- Sit meditation, or utilize energy to practice according to one's imagination, to gain attainment and realization on earth or in Three Realms. The only purpose is to satisfy the cultivators’ desires.
2- Enlightenment: To have a thorough understanding of Humans, all sentient and insentient beings, visible and invisible things, the Earth, Three Realms, the universe (countless Three Realms), Buddha’s world, the law of causal reincarnation ...
3- Liberation: Lean liberation formula and practice it properly to escape the pulling force of positive and negative electromagnetics of the earth and three realms. The only purpose is to return Buddha World.
4- Know which species create sacredness
Quintessence 8:
Buddhism has 6 Dharma methods. Each method has its own Teaching. All first 5 physical Dharma methods have been found on the writing system of humans, except the last 6th Dharma.   
Why is Zen Buddhism Science Teaching not founded upon words and letters?
Because this Zen Buddhism Science Teaching has 2 very important parts:
A- Contain entirely 100 percent of truth about everything on earth or in the Three Realms.
B- Standardize misunderstandings and misdoings of humans.
Do not let the Buddha's words be misinterpreted in the Age of the Decadent Dharma, so the Buddha wrote using the writing system of the people living in the Atomic period. Because the Atomic people take it out on their own, the teachings of the Buddha are not wrongly translated.
Buddha said:
This Zen Buddhism Science Teaching book is extremely important, not everyone can publish it, but only the Agency or anyone has: Buddha Nature - Resources - Health can publish it.
Tathagata talks about: Buddha Nature - Resources - Health:
1- Buddha Nature: If anyone asks about Zen Dharma method, one must have the capacity to answer thoroughly. 
2- Resources: must have 2 capacities
- Firstly, have the ability to obtain permission from the Religious Publishing House to publish the book of Zen Buddhism Science Teachings.
- Second, have the ability to cover all the costs of printing and delivering this book to the Vietnamese people, each adult must have 1 copy. 
3- Health: Must have 3 competencies
- Firstly, must have the health to disseminate Zen Buddhism Science Teaching to each adult Vietnamese person.
- Second, must have Strength to withstand the attacks of others.
- Third, to be responsible for all consequences of Zen Buddhism Science Teaching.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Above is the Buddha’s teaching about the requirements of Buddha Nature - Resources - Health. If any of you meet these 3 requirements, please contact the Management Board of Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda to sign the contract, witnessed by the Government, Government Committee for Religious Affairs, the Management Board of Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda will deliver this book to you. If after 3 years, no one comes to take this book, the Management Board of Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda no longer talks about the Zen Buddhism Science Teaching book anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen:
You already understand why scientists, physicists and highly educated people think that Buddhism has quintessence. Today, on the occasion of Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda, admitted by the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO associations as a member, as well as the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association, present the Medal, Certificate of Merit and a few other things, on behalf of the Management Board of Tan Dieu Zen Pagoda, I would like to thank you for your attention and listening.
My presentation is over.
Best regards and thank you very much.

Zen Zong Retreat in Central Vietnam

Address: Nhon Phu ward -  Quy Nhon city - Binh Dinh Province

Email: thientongmt@gmail.com